High Plains Dent Removal


Hail Damage Repair

With our background in the auto body industry. Keeping our quality and knowledge above any other repair facility in the Amarillo TX area. We understand it hails almost every year in Amarillo and the surrounding areas, and we will be here for you.

Paintless Dent Repair

The art of paintless dent removal (PDR) is performed by hand. First by accessing the back of the damaged area. Then using specialized tools and techniques, massaging the metal back into its factory shape.

As you can imagine the results vary greatly from one technician to the next. This is the main reason it is so very important to see a review of a company’s work or to get a personal referral for a PDR company before granting access to your vehicle to anyone!

Dent Repair

Working with craftsmanship and attention to detail, we can remove most minor auto body damage without the use of sanding and body fillers, maintaining your vehicle’s original finish.

Once a dent is “repaired” poorly, there is little chance of turning back the clock to start over. Often, the next stop is the body shop for Bondo and paint.

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